Note: Following are just suggested tips and you do not need to follow if you have a preferred way to earn your Challenge Points.
Tip #1: Time-Shift Peer Challenge Points
- Every day, you can send out or accept 3 peer challenges. However, points are only awarded to you on the day when both users completed the challenge. This provides an opportunity for you and your friends to work together to “time-shift” the points.
- For example, on Monday, you sent out 3 peer challenges, but ask your friends not to answer your challenges first. On Tuesday, you do the same. On Wednesday, which is the day you want to achieve the highest points possible to claim Hero of the Day, now you ask your friends to complete the Peer Challenges you sent a few days ago. You still have your daily 9 CPs, but now you have additional 9 + 9 = 18 CPs from your friends. So effectively, you “time-shift” the points from Monday and Tuesday, and add them to Wednesday.
Tip #2: Plan Sunday Mini Challenge Points
- Every Sunday, when you completed your Sunday Mini Challenge, you have
the option to decide when to claim the points (but you must claim the points before Saturday, otherwise they’ll expire). - You do not need to claim on Monday when the results are announced. Claim the points on the day you have the chance to become Hero of the Day.