Teachers can reset any student account's password through their KooBits teacher account.
After logging in to your teacher account on teacher.koobits.com, click 'Manage Class' on the top bar navigation > then select 'Manage Class' from the left sidebar menu.
Option 1:
Click on the class name and find the student's name in the list of all students in the class.
To reset the student's password, click on 'Reset' under the Password column.
Please note that, by clicking the RESET link, the password will be reset to exactly the same as the login ID, as shown on the page.
Option 2:
You may also search for the student's name or login ID. Just type in the student's name/KooBits login ID on the search box, look for the student's name in the results > then click the Reset link.
For the student's login ID, you may refer to Check Student's Login ID.